2,4-D |
For asparagus, cereals, corn, grasses, hay, rice, sorghum, soybeans (preplant), sugarcane, fallow land, pasture, rangeland, turf, and noncropland for control of annual mustard, Canada thistle, dandelion, lambsquarters, ragweed, etc. Many broadleaf crops (cotton, grapevines) are extremely sensitive. Aqua-Kleen* for control of aquatic weeds in lakes and ponds. |
Atrazine |
Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed principally through the roots, but also through the foliage, with translocation acropetally in the xylem and accumulation in the apical meristems and leaves. Pre- and post-emergence control of annual broad-leaved weeds and annual grasses in maize, sorghum, sugar cane, pineapples, chemical fallow, grassland, macadamia nuts, conifers, industrial weed control. In Europe, use is concentrated in maize and sorghum at 1.5 kg/ha. Used also in combinations with many other herbicides. |
Glyphosate |
Non-selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage, with rapid translocation throughout the plant. Inactivated on contact with soil. Use to control of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds, pre-harvest, in cereals, peas, beans, oilseed rape, flax and mustard, at c. 1.5-2 kg/ha; control of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds in stubble and post-planting/pre-emergence of many crops; as a directed spray in vines and olives, at up to 4.3 kg/ha; in orchards, pasture, forestry and industrial weed control, at up to 4.3 kg/ha. As an aquatic herbicide, at c. 2 kg/ha. |
Paraquat |
Desiccation of seed crops; noncrop and industrial weed control in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, shade trees, and ornamentals. Defoliation and desiccation of cotton. Harvest aid in soybeans, sugarcane, guar, and sunflowers, for pasture renovation, for use in "No-Till" or before planting or crop emergence, dormant alfalfa and clover... |
Trifluralin |
Treflan* for use on alfalfa (established), almond, apricot, asparagus, barley, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrot, cauliflower, celery, collard, corn, cotton, cucumber, grain sorghum, grapefruit, grapevines, hops, kale, lemon, mung bean, mustard, nectarine, okra, orange, peach, peanuts (Spanish), peas, pecan... |